Ami Eckard-Lee - Kelch Aviation Museum

Ami Eckard-Lee

Ami is our collections manager, and her name is pronounced “Amigo without the Go!” She spends a lot of time creating displays, planning activities for museum guests of all ages, and making lists. Lots and lots of lists. She is also in charge of all of the museum’s “stuff,” including 10,000+ publications, vintage pilot gear, hundreds of paintings and prints, thousands of photographs, and much more.

Ami’s previous jobs include circus clown, english teacher, and ninja. She’d prefer to be time traveling to Chicago in the 1920s, but she’s stuck in modern-day Brodhead for the time being, making films and performing vintage music on the side. If you offer her a ride in an open cockpit biplane, she’ll be buckled in before you finish asking. Be prepared for a lot of giggling.