Aviation Movie Night, May 2025: Murder in the Clouds (1934)

Join us on Thursday, May 15th at 6:30pm, to see the thrilling 1934 movie, “Murder in the Clouds.”

Free and family friendly! A $10 donation is encouraged and appreciated.  Double the fun – bring a friend!
Thursday, May 15th

Pizza served at 6:30

Movie starts at 7pm

The fun will happen in the museum's Joranlien Gathering Hall: N2463 Airport Rd in Brodhead, WI.

The Movie: “Murder in the Clouds” (1934)
Hotshot pilot Bob flies for Trans America Lines (when he’s not doing daring aerobatics over the field), and dates his copilot’s sister, a stewardess. When a secret mission carrying a new high explosive mixture to Washington causes a plane to explode in flight, Bob gets involved in a daring race between government agents to get the mixture back and the bad guys to get the mixture out of the country.
Kelch Aviation Museum’s May movie night is sponsored by Patrick Reese at EXIT Professional Real Estate!
Patrick is also an agent for Homes for Heroes, a nonprofit dedicated to helping those who have served find their dream homes. To learn more (or to thank Patrick for supporting the museum), visit patrickreeserealestate.com.
We’re so grateful for support from businesses in our community that help make our events and programming possible. If you’re interested in sponsoring an event, reach out today.
A laid-back evening of old movies and old airplanes: Welcome to Kelch Aviation Museum’s vintage aviation night, the third Thursday of each month! We have a great lineup this year. Check out our calendar or Facebook page to see what’s coming up!