Shiny New Walls
Shiny new walls and floor! We can’t wait to build displays and signage and move in the airplanes!
Movie Special Effects
Hey, remember those days when movie special effects meant creativity and daring – and maybe a little insanity? Running a museum seems to require the same skills… 😉 This is one of the latest acquisitions in Kelch’s archive. We’re excited about our extensive photo collection, and we keep discovering new
Check Out Our New Walls
Check out our new walls! Workers are finishing up the trim work on our corrugated steel interior walls and it looks fantastic. Next step for the hangar is building displays and moving in the airplanes. You can help keep the work going by donating today. Every dollar counts. Visit:
An Aviation Valentine
There’s so much to love about the Golden Age of Aviation! Happy Valentine’s Day from Kelch Aviation Museum. What do you love most about vintage aviation?
Monroe Woman’s Club Donates $1,000
The Monroe Woman’s Club donated $1,000 to the Kelch Aviation Museum as part of their Community Improvement Program. Here, Konnie Thompson presents the check to Pat Weeden, Executive Director of the museum. Thank you so much for the support!
Interior Steel Pickup
Today we picked up the corrugated steel interior wall coverings for the new hangar! They’ll be installed in the next few weeks. The hangar is really coming along and we can’t wait to fill it with new museum displays and airplanes. We can’t open the doors until Phase 2 is
Flashback Friday With Al Kelch
Flashback Friday…Here’s Al Kelch himself performing an engine run-up on the 1932 Franklin Sport 90, sometime in the early 1970s. This aircraft has a 90 h.p. Lambert radial engine, and will be a centerpiece in our new museum hangar.
Groundhog Chili Ski Fly-In 2020
Groundhog Chili Ski Fly-In is tomorrow! EAA Chapter 431’s annual Groundhog Chili Ski Fly-In is tomorrow, Saturday, February 1, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Brodhead Airport. Our regular monthly chapter meeting is also Saturday at 9:00 a.m. As always, fly in, drive in or walk in for
Floor Crew
This week we’ve had a crew in the new hangar sealing and polishing the new concrete floor. It’s looking pretty nice! Next month will be the interior wall finishing.
January Snows
When it snows at Brodhead Airport, you put skis on your airplane! Here’s a shot of airport founder Bill Earleywine in 1946 with skis on his Ercoupe…not something you see every day. Bill had Ercoupe and Taylorcraft dealerships at Brodhead Airport until 1947. This ship is still flying today in