Moving Charles Lindbergh
We moved Charles Lindbergh into the new hangar today – with proper health precautions, of course… Let this photo go on the record: at Kelch Aviation Museum we’re doing our part to keep the world healthy!
Interesting Masks
When we’re not working from home, our staff wears masks. We know we may look a bit odd, but we aren’t the first ones – check out this very, um, interesting, mask situation from the 1918 flu pandemic! Stay safe, everyone.
Pirsch REO Fire Truck
An awesome piece of local history has joined the museum, on permanent loan from the Brodhead Fire District. This Pirsch REO fire truck was purchased new by the city in 1923 and was in service until 1953. Restored in 1982, it has been in countless parades and celebrations, and on
1953 Cole Bros. Fly-In
Someone donated a pamphlet from the Cole Brothers’ airshow in Brodhead back in 1953. Cool! Here’s some video of that same show in Rockford a few years later. Can you spot any familiar planes?
1918 Flu Pandemic
In looking through historic documents from the 1918 flu pandemic, we found this… How do you enforce such a thing? Here at Kelch Aviation Museum, we’re relying on humor and hope. Remember, humanity has been through this before! Like our page and stay tuned for more historic tidbits, aviation updates,
Learn & Earn
Check out this cool poster, circa 1918! There are lots of similarities between today’s COVID-19 and the 1918 flu pandemic, and here at Kelch Aviation Museum we’ve been finding some inspiring and timely treasures. Stay safe, everyone!
William E. Boeing
“My firm conviction from the start has been that science and hard work can lick what appear to be insurmountable difficulties.” – William E Boeing, founder of The Boeing Company. In these strange and difficult times, it’s helpful to remember that over and over, humanity has risen to the occasion
Congratulations to Gary Lampman, who was selected at random from all the entrants in our drawing. Gary receives a copy of our picture book, “Biplanes of the Kelch Aviation Museum.” Thank you to everyone who signed up for our newsletter mailing list to enter the contest.
Work From Home
Half of our staff (of two) is taking this week off while I work from home, so our posts here aren’t as flashy as usual. Ami Eckard-Lee is our archivist, collections manager, & social media guru, but instead of working for Kelch right now, she’s off sewing masks for essential
Final Day of the Giveaway
Today’s the final day in our giveaway! Enter now to win a gorgeous coffee table book featuring incredible photos of our biplane collection, including our 1932 Curtiss-Wright pictured in flight here. It’s simple to enter: Sign up for our e-mail list OR our printed newsletter on our website: One