Aviation Museum Conference

Yesterday we hosted staff from three other aviation museums for brainstorming sessions. It is always a wonderful experience to share resources and ideas. In the small world of aviation museums, collaboration is so much more important than competition. Each one of these individuals and organizations are putting so much heartfelt

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Other Aviation Museums to Visit

Kelch Aviation Museum staff are visiting other aviation museums in the Pacific Northwest this week. Our friends at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, OR and the Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum in Hood River, OR both have spectacular collections and are worth a visit. Support your

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We’re Open for the Season!

We’re officially OPEN! After closing for the winter months to update exhibits in the new atrium space, we’re finally able to use our fancy new light-up Open sign. Swing by to check out our fancy new reception area & gift shop, with the Rose Parrakeet perched above! Hours: 10am to

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Rudy Kopp Birthday Memorial Matching Challenge!

Donations double this week for the Rudy Kopp Birthday Memorial Matching Challenge!For the second year running, all donations up to $5,000 made this week will be DOUBLED, in honor of the late great Rudy Kopp’s birthday on March 2nd. That means $5 becomes $10, $25 becomes $50, and so on.

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Rose Parrakeet Hung From the Ceiling

Today the museum’s Rose Parrakeet was hung from the ceiling in the new Atrium. The aircraft builder and donor Larry Steentry was on hand to make sure we didn’t break anything, and after a few test lifts, our crew of volunteers added this cornerstone piece to our new space. It

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What do you LOVE most about aviation?

What do you LOVE most about aviation? Comment below!Happy Valentine’s Day! Without you, the museum would fall out of the sky – thank you for your support. You can make a donation in honor of someone you love at www.kelchmuseum.org/donation-intro

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Ami on EAA’s “The Green Dot” Podcast

The Kelch Museum’s Creative Development Director Ami Eckard-Lee tells her unique aviation story, including her path to becoming the Creative Director here at Kelch, her totally period-accurate flight training in a 1931 Curtiss Junior, and her love of history in this interview for EAA’s Green Dot podcast! Listen now at

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Temporarily Closed for Renovation

mportant announcement: Temporarily Closed for Updates As we construct new exhibits in the new Atrium, the museum will be closed for January and February. We will still be open by appointment for tours and visits, however, so please reach out if you would like to swing by – just call

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